Saturday, August 26, 2006

Match Point

Apparently I should have read a little more into what this film was to be about, because it was definitely not what I was expecting. I thought that the film was done decently well. The storyline, especially towards the end, was extremely clever, however, I think I would have a hard time recommending this movie to anyone other that extremely avid movie buffs. Still shaking my head in wonderment about this one.


I am not really sure what to think of this film. On one hand I enjoyed the character developement and plot elements that were done very nicely. However, on the other hand, I don't like the fact that it appears as though the film was made as a political statement or something. I am not really into politics, and (especially these days) I don't really care to here about what is going on in the Middle East, simply because it seems that if we get involved we make a big mess. If the purpose of the movie was to get the audience to think about these kinds of things, then they accomplished their mission. At least with me, I am sure there are plenty of people who don't care enough about these issues to sit through a nearly three hour film. And who am I to blame them.


When you hear rumors that the first half of the film is just soft-core porn, they aren't lying. It does take a while for the film to get to the hard-pumping horror scenes, but all the set-up is more or less needed. I give a lot of kudos to the film makers, not becuase this was a great film (and I am not saying it wasn't either) but simply it was a great concept. I would have liked it explored in another fashion that didn't require so much set up for what I thought was too little action. But, hey what http://do I know, I would have never come up with such a unique idea.

Wolf Creek

The scariest part about this is the fact that in the end of the film, no one can believe the poor kid, and in fact are forced to think that he had something to do with the girls deaths. Overall this wasn't one of the best films I have ever seen, but it wasn't even close to being the worst either. If your in for a good thriller film or a night of horror flicks, I would recommend it, otherwise you're not really missing much

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

King Kong

I could barely stay awake for the end of this one, not cause it was boring, but just too long. There are certain movies that can get away with being three hours long and I don't think this is one of them. There were plenty of scences that I thought were better off in the deleted scenes portion on the DVD. Other than the length I though it was a pretty good film. I expect a modern day film to be at least this good. Decent acting, story line, and special effects. I had never seen the original King Kong and I will likely never see this one again. Not that it wasn't good, but I think it belongs in the "been there, seen that" category.

This is Spinal Tap

To be honest I am not really sure what to say about this one. I think you have to like a very specific type of comedy to truly enjoy this movie. The reason I got it was because of the "oh that's a classic" appeal it had. I say HAD because I no longer this that it belongs in a category of classics. If you enjoy Monty Python movies, then you can definitely enjoy this film, other wise I wouldn't bother. I can't disagree that it is funny at times, but I expect better humor from modern commercials than I believe this movie gave me, but hey, thats just me.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Congrats too Felicity Huffman. Job well done. She did an amazing job with an extremely difficult character. This film proves that she is a tremendous actress, and not just in the realm of comedy. Transamerica falls into a small subset of films that intentionally make you uncomfortable at times (like Brokeback Mountain, though Transamerica is no were near that extent). The fact is that this is a film, I can't even imagine how tough/awkward/disheartning is must be for some one to face thier disapproving parents after having undergoing a sex change. A good movie, worth your time, at least once.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

It has become more obvious that when Disney puts its full force behind a movie, it's likely to succeed: All Disney/Pixar films, every Disney sporting movie, National Treasure, and of course the Pirates of the Caribbean series. As with most movies that lead to multiple sequels, the first film has its own independent storyline with no real cliff hanger to the next film. Yet, Dead Man's Chest ends with the clear indication of the next film (Star Wars had this phenomina as well, with episode III having its own ending but ever other episode having a cliff hanger for the next installment). I think it is possible to see Dead Man's Chest with out having seen The Curse of the Black Pearl, but the film does assume that you've seen The Curse of the Black Pearl first. I usually like to see the prequels just before seeing the sequels so the full story line is fresh in my memory. I was unable to do that this time, yet had no trouble following the story. Overall I would say this was an excellent film. I especially like the music, it helped set the tone for the intense sequenses, yet was quirky to match the quirky scence of Captain Jack Sparrow. It appears that Disney has an incredibly successful franchise on thier hands, I only hope they don't go and ruin it by making too many films. But at this point, keep up the good work.


Incredibly creative premise, yet it might not have been executed to it's greatest potential. The first half of the film was a light hearted adventures into the wonders that the remote allows Michael Newman (played by Adam Sandler). Then in the second half, or later third, the movie becomes almost depressing as Newman discovers the dark secrets the remote contains. It was almost as if each half of the film had its own identity with completely different genres. Yet, to be honest, that was the only major flaw in the movie, yet that is a large enough flaw for some to never see the film. I wouldn't reccomend that you never see this movie, I would only say that it is probably better just to rent it.


WARNING: THERE IS NO WAY I CAN TALK ABOUT THIS MOVIE WITHOUT GIVING AWAY THE ENDING! About two-thirds of the way through the movie I thought I had it figured out and I was just waiting for the movie to end. Then the receptionist says that Jennifer Aniston's character is not Lucinda Harris, she is a lowly temp; and the movie is turned upside down. Kudos to the film makers, I would have never picked out Jennifer Aniston as one of the bad guys, which is exactly what they wanted. I think Aniston's performance in this film really shows her versatility as an actor. I am some what surprised that this movie didn't do better in the public eye. I'm not sure what it was up against, or even what it grossed, at the box office; but I can say that I was pleasantly surprised by this movie.